Cute Unicorn

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Today was a bad day for me. I was late for work(is damn late you know-45minutes),then 1st/A customer(chinese lady) came in,1st word from her F***ing mouth was "Xiao jie,ni hen hao yi si hor. Wo den ni 45fen zhong liao." If u can't wait then get out of this place la F***er!!(this is what i wish i could say to her but..CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT! WTH!). So, I have no choice just need to be really patience,and i continue to serve her. She wanted to buy ticket from Ho Chi Minh City to Kuala Lumpur 1pax and it's today flight worse,the flight is morning flight 10am. She were rushing me for the booking number but she didn't even give me the details and she didn't even wait for my computer to start,how the hell am I suppose to give her the booking number?! When the computer started,she straight away jotted down the passenger's name from her mobile phone. Meanwhile she were writing,2nd/B customer(indian lady) came in. Customer B started to ask me to book her a ticket from Kuala Lumpur to Tiruchirappalli and she also same as customer A,she was buying the ticket for someone else and the passenger already at the airport waiting. I don't understand if the passenger already at the airport why can't the passenger buy striaght away form the counter there?! Just giving me troublesome. Ok fine i do it for you,the flight to Tiruchirappalli was 2.55pm(Malaysia's time),she give me the photostat passport copy of the passenger. Then the customer A start to make noise like the chicken,she said she came 1st and asking why am I serving customer B. OMG! Cannot tahan her le..i explain to her that i want to get the details then i pass it to my colleagues thru skype and ask my colleagues to book for me customer B's flight. Then I serve back the customer A,she want the morning flight already cannot buy because we only can buy flight before 4hours from the departure time,so she called up her friend to inform about that. She pass the phone to me to speak up with her friend,so as usual I explain to her friend what's going on. Her friend understood and ask me to buy the afternoon flight. Since it was afternoon flight,I decided to settle up customer B case 1st. My colleagues called and inform me that she can't buy the flight to Tiruchirappalli already. I inform customer B about that and I suggested her to buy at the airport,but she scolded me saying that I told her still can buy from my counter(yala still can buy because that time i check,the time of booking still can be bought the time already pass few minutes). Is not my fault what?! If you all want to buy ticket then don't buy last minute la..or see got no people at counter can call up other counter to buy the ticket ma..we got 16 counters le.. Everyone will do mistake want what. *sigh* Lastly,she used my company phone(she said her mobile phone out of battery) to called don't who and don't what the hell she were saying. She hang up then she told me it's ok already,she will buy at the airport. KNN! Earlier she should do that already ma! Settled 1 case. Customer A still not yet settle. All the while I serve customer B,all the while customer A's mouth non-stop repeating few same word(hao liao ma?,booking number gei wo sien,next time come work earlier..bla bla bla...). Even my boss also didn't say anything regarding I came late for work,the customer A acting like she's my boss teling me must come work earlier next time while I keep repeat saying sorry to her. So I started to book her flight and done,then she want to buy another ticket from Kuala Lumpur to Laos for the passenger from Laos but the passenger's passport expiry date is on 4/9/2010 and the travel date to Laos is 4/3/2010. Ngam ngam 6months validity from departure date. If a person wants to travel,he/she have to make sure the expiry date of the passport must be over 6months from the date of travel. So it's kinda risky to buy the ticket because his passport expiry date ngam ngam 6months but the customer say it's ok,she want to buy the ticket. So I do as what she say. Haiz...Worse day on March..

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