Cute Unicorn

Thursday 29 September 2011

Mooncake's Festival

Mooncake's festival actually ended like few weeks a go already. Nothing special, didn't play with lanterns as everyone in my family was busy with their own activities plus my sister already all grown up and I'm sure she doesn't want to play lantern anymore. I was really busy on that day, my busy stuff was following my boyfriend on some journey.

Ok, let's see what mooncakes I've got. This mooncake is specially made by my 5th aunt staying at Malacca. My 3rd aunt and 5th aunt are a good cook and we never miss a chance to eat their delicious food everytime we go back to Malacca. So, this year my mum went back to visit my grandmother at Malacca. My mum always come back home with her hand full of things and this time she brought 3boxes of mooncake specially made by 5th aunt to us. Let's see how the mooncakes look like.

This is freshly made from original fresh fruit and yogurt. It's sugarless but it taste sweet because it is made from fresh fruit. I love the colour of the mooncakes. Thanks to my 5th aunt for this mooncakes.

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